As Sole Instructor:
University of Hong Kong
Second Semester 2022,2023, In progress 2025, First Semester 2022 | POLI2106: Introduction to International Relations (Undergraduate) |
First Semester 2018,2019,2021 2023, Second Semester 2021 | POLI3047 United States Foreign Policy (Undergraduate) |
First Semester 2024, Second Semester 2021, | POLI3044 United States Politics (Undergraduate) |
First semester 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 (two sections) | POLI6004: Theories of international relations (Graduate) |
Second Semester 2021 | POLI6036 Special topics in IR (I) – United States Foreign Policy (graduate) |
Second Semester (2019, 2020) | POLI6042 Special Topics in Global and Regional Governance (I) – Terrorism and Political Violence (Graduate) |
Second Semester (2019, 2020) | POLI3132 Terrorism and political violence (Undergraduate) |
Carnegie- Mellon University
Spring Semester (2017, 2018) | IPS 84-319 US Foreign Policy and Interventions in World Affairs (Undergraduate) |
Fall Semester (2017) | IPS 843-62 Theories of International Relations (Undergraduate) |
Fall Semester (2016) | IPS 84-366 Presidential Politics: So, You Want to be President of the United States (Undergraduate) |
Spring Quarter (2016) | Polisci 20 World Politics (Undergraduate – lower division) |
Winter Quarters (2015, 2016) | Polisci 139 Terrorism and Insurgency (Undergraduate – upper division) |
Fall Quarters (2014, 2015), Summer Sessions (2013, 2014) | Polisci 121a Studies in the formulation of U.S. Foreign Policy-Intervention (Undergraduate – upper division) |
Spring Quarter (2015) | Polisci 137a International Relations Theory (Undergraduate – upper division) |
Fall Quarter (2013) | Polisci 495 Graduate Teaching Assistant Training Practicum (Graduate) |
As a Teaching Assistant (all undergraduates/B.A.):
Spring Quarter (2014) | Honors 125 Communities and Nations in Conflict Under Professor Alexandra Lieben |
Winter Quarter (2014) | Global Studies 100A Globalization: Governance & Conflict Under Professor Russell Burgos |
Spring Quarter (2012) | Polisci 123a Introduction to International Law Under Professor Leslie Johns |
Winter Quarter (2010, 2012) | Polisci 129 Diplomacy and War Under Professor Robert Trager |
Fall Quarter 2011 & Spring Quarter 2010 | Polisci 20 World Politics Under Professor Robert Trager |
Winter Quarter 2009 & Fall Quarter 2009 | Polisci 124 International Political Economy Under Professor Ronald Rogowski |
Spring Quarter 2009 | Polisci 126 Peace and War Under Professor Deborah Larson |
Fall Quarter 2008 | Polisci 137A International Relations Theory Under Professor Arthur Stein |
University of Haifa
2004-2007 | Introduction to Government and Politics (205.1610) Under Professor Andrei Eshet (2 times) & Professor Israel Weismal-Manor (1 time) |
2013-2014 | Teaching Assistant Counselor Department of Political Science, UCLA |
Teaching and advising Political Science Department T.A.’s on how to teach undergrads. |
2004-2007 | Tutor The Student Advancement Department, Univ. of Haifa |
Tutoring low income & minority undergraduate students. |
// 1st Method – Declaring $wpdb as global and using it to execute an SQL query statement that returns a PHP object
global $wpdb;
$results = $wpdb->get_results( ‘SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_id = 1’, OBJECT );
echo “RESULTS_0: “. var_dump($results);
// 2nd Method – Utilizing the $GLOBALS superglobal. Does not require global keyword ( but may not be best practice )
$results = $GLOBALS[‘wpdb’]->get_results( ‘SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_id = 1’, OBJECT );
echo “RESULTS_1: “. var_dump($results);