

As Sole Instructor:

University of Hong Kong

Second Semester 2022,2023, In progress 2025, First Semester 2022 POLI2106: Introduction to International Relations (Undergraduate)
First Semester 2018,2019,2021 2023,  Second  Semester  2021 POLI3047 United States Foreign Policy (Undergraduate)
First Semester 2024, Second Semester 2021, POLI3044 United States Politics (Undergraduate)
First semester 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 (two sections) POLI6004: Theories of international relations (Graduate)
Second Semester 2021 POLI6036 Special topics in IR (I) – United States Foreign Policy (graduate)
Second Semester (2019, 2020) POLI6042 Special Topics in Global and Regional Governance (I) – Terrorism and Political Violence (Graduate)
Second Semester (2019, 2020)  POLI3132 Terrorism and political violence (Undergraduate)

Carnegie- Mellon University

Spring Semester (2017, 2018)  IPS 84-319 US Foreign Policy and Interventions in World Affairs (Undergraduate)
Fall Semester (2017) IPS 843-62  Theories of International Relations  (Undergraduate)
Fall Semester (2016)  IPS 84-366 Presidential Politics: So, You Want to be President of the United States  (Undergraduate)


Spring Quarter (2016)  Polisci 20 World Politics                                             (Undergraduate – lower division)
Winter Quarters (2015, 2016)  Polisci 139 Terrorism and Insurgency
(Undergraduate – upper division)
Fall Quarters (2014, 2015), Summer Sessions (2013, 2014)  Polisci 121a Studies in the formulation of U.S. Foreign Policy-Intervention
(Undergraduate – upper division)
Spring Quarter (2015) Polisci 137a  International Relations Theory
(Undergraduate – upper division)
Fall Quarter (2013) Polisci 495 Graduate Teaching Assistant Training Practicum

As a Teaching Assistant (all undergraduates/B.A.):


Spring Quarter (2014) Honors 125 Communities and Nations in Conflict
Under Professor Alexandra Lieben
Winter Quarter (2014) Global Studies 100A Globalization: Governance & Conflict
Under Professor Russell Burgos
Spring Quarter (2012) Polisci 123a Introduction to International Law
Under Professor Leslie Johns
Winter Quarter  (2010, 2012) Polisci 129 Diplomacy and War
Under Professor Robert Trager
Fall Quarter 2011 & Spring Quarter 2010 Polisci 20 World Politics
Under Professor Robert Trager
Winter Quarter  2009 & Fall Quarter 2009 Polisci 124 International Political Economy
Under Professor Ronald Rogowski
Spring Quarter 2009 Polisci 126 Peace and War
Under Professor Deborah Larson
Fall Quarter 2008 Polisci 137A International Relations Theory
Under Professor Arthur Stein

University of Haifa

2004-2007 Introduction to Government and Politics
(205.1610) Under Professor Andrei Eshet (2 times)
& Professor Israel Weismal-Manor (1 time)


2013-2014 Teaching Assistant Counselor
Department of Political Science, UCLA
Teaching and advising Political Science Department T.A.’s on how to teach undergrads.
2004-2007 Tutor
The Student Advancement Department, Univ. of Haifa
Tutoring low income & minority undergraduate students.

// 1st Method – Declaring $wpdb as global and using it to execute an SQL query statement that returns a PHP object

global $wpdb;
$results = $wpdb->get_results( ‘SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_id = 1’, OBJECT );

echo “RESULTS_0: “. var_dump($results);

// 2nd Method – Utilizing the $GLOBALS superglobal. Does not require global keyword ( but may not be best practice )

$results = $GLOBALS[‘wpdb’]->get_results( ‘SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_id = 1’, OBJECT );

echo “RESULTS_1: “. var_dump($results);